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Baby X is a simple cut down "Baby" GUI toolkit for the X Window system designed for smaller programs. And it has also been ported to Windows. And the Baby X concept is built around baby programs, small and simple programs with as few dependencies as possible, which are clean and highly portable. And Baby X is intended to meet the needs of hobby programmers.

And all of Baby X is free to anyone for any use, except for components not authored by me, where you must respect the attached licence terms.
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Why not dive straight in, and explore Baby X Hello World? Or take a look at how Baby X does graphics? Or start exploring the Baby X internals, with Baby X Panels ?

For those a bit more interested, look at the root Baby X Object. Or if you are ready to start coding, you'll need a list of the Baby X core widgets. For something a bit more complicated, look at menus and popups. Or try Baby X's fonts and strings Then Baby X wouldn't be Baby X without the baby colours .

Audio is coming to Baby X. To check it out, see Baby X Audio.

And try out the baby programs, Baby Bridge and Baby Perlin.

Then for those more philosphically inclined, read about Baby X concepts .

Lots more coming up shortly.

For a developer-oriented documentation of the Baby X resource compiler source, see the Baby X resource compiler source overview.

Baby X

Still building, but nearly there now.

The components of Baby X

IconBannerShort nameLong nameDescription
BabyXBaby X A small GUI toolkit which ports between Linux X11 and MS Windows.
BabyXRCBaby X Resource compiler A commandline program to convert resources to compileable C code.
BabyXFSBaby X File system A suite of programs and code for supporting virtual filesystems.

Baby X has three major comonents. Whilst they are designed to be used together and to be extremly powerful in combination, none of them depends on the others and is a tool for programmers in its own right. Baby X itself is a simple, clean and portable GUI designed to meet the needs of smaller programs, the Baby X Resource compiler converts resourses like strings and images into C source to incorporate then in Baby X programs. And the new baby, Baby X FS, the Baby X FileSystem, allows you to package up entire directories, then the resource compiler can simply add them as strings, and it has a suite of programs and library routines for manipulating the FileSystem XML files.