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The Baby X Object

When you start Baby X, it returns an opaque object of type "BABYX" which represents the connection to the Baby X server. The connection is needed for creating new Baby X objects and for destroying them, also for a few object-level functions.

    void startbabyx(
    char *name,
    int width,
    int height,
    void (*create)(void *ptr, BABYX *bbx, BBX_Panel *root),
    void (*layout)(void *ptr, int width, int height),
    void *ptr);
    void stopbabyx(BABYX *bbx);

These are the functions for launching and stopping the Baby X server. startbabyx() never returns until stopbabyx() is called. It takes the name of the program, to be displayed in the title bar, the width and height of the top level window requested, the create and layout callbacks, and the context pointer which is passed back to these functions. When stopbabyx() is called, it closes the root window, and destroys the BABYX object.

The callbacks create and layout represent the only entry points of Baby X into the user program. You will get one create call, to which you should respond by creating top level children off the root panel, and possibly more than one layout call, to which you should respond by rearranging the child objects, and possibly redrawing. Note that you are not guaranteed the same width and height on layout as you requested from startbabyx().

int bbx_setpos(BABYX *bbx, void *obj, int x, int y, int width, int height);
int bbx_setsize(BABYX *bbx, void *obj, int width, int height);
int bbx_getsize(BABYX *bbx, void *obj, int *width, int *height);
int bbx_setfocus(BABYX *bbx, void *obj);

These functions take any basic widget created with Baby X, and access the common header internally. You can set the position relative to the parent, set the size, get the size, or set the keyboard focus.

void *bbx_addticker(BABYX *bbx, int ms_interval, void (*fptr)(void *ptr), void *ptr);
void bbx_removeticker(BABYX *bbx, void *ticker); 

Some programs, such as games or animations, are driven by clcok ticks rather than by user input events. So yu can add a ticker. Baby X call the tick function with it context pointer, approximately every tick interval. It's not accurate enought to use for high resolution timing. When you have done with a ticker, you remove it. The return value is an opaque void * whose only purpose is to be passed back to removeticker().

void bbx_copytexttoclipboard(BABYX *bbx, char *text);
char *bbx_gettextfromclipboard(BABYX *bbx);

Baby X offers a simple interface to the clipboard. Currently only text is supported. The string returned from bbx_gettextfromclipboard should be freed by caller when it is finished with.

void *bbx_malloc(int size);
void *bbx_realloc(void *ptr, int size);
char *bbx_strdup(const char *str);

Bbay X wraps malloc() and realloc() so that these functions never return null. Currently it exits the program on allocation failure, so only call for allocations where this is the only sensible response. There's also a convenience function for duplicating a string.

int bbx_kbhit(BABYX *bbx, int code);

Baby X implements a kbhit. The code is the Baby X key code, which is either an alphanumeric character, or one of the special keys.


bbx_kbhit() return true if the key is depressed, false if it is not. It doesn't black waiting for keyboard input. It is used for games or to control naviagtion via arrow keys.