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Baby X Menus and Pop Ups

A pop-up window is a window which appears transiently, usually to allow user to make a choice or enter some data. Baby X provides serveral functions for dealing with popups.


A manubar is not a popup. It is a strip of clickable labels which usually sits on the top edge of a window. As user clicks on the labels, he pulls down then menus. The menus themselves however are popups.

BBX_Menubar *bbx_menubar(BABYX *bbx, BBX_Panel *parent, void (*fptr)(void *ptr, int id), void *ptr); void bbx_menubar_kill(BBX_Menubar *mb); void bbx_menubar_addmenu(BBX_Menubar *mb, char *name, BBX_Popup *sub); void bbx_menubar_disable(BBX_Menubar *mb, int id); void bbx_menubar_enable(BBX_Menubar *mb, int id);

A menubar is constructed off a parent panel. It needs to be placed in response to the layout callback, like any other child widget, though almost always it will be positioned at the top edge. The callback is triggered when the user selects an item from the sub-menus, and passes back the id. Thus every sub-menu should have a unique id for all its members. Individual items can be enabled or disabled by id.

BBX_Popup *filemenu; BBX_Popup *palettemenu; BBX_Popup *helpmenu; BBX_Popup *custompalettesmenu; app->menubar = bbx_menubar(bbx, root, menuhandler, app); custompalettesmenu = bbx_popup(bbx); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 101, "Jet", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 102, "Gray", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 103, "Red Green", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 104, "Blue Yellow", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 105, "Flame", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 106, "Rainbow", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 107, "Land Sea", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 108, "Relief", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 109, "Zebra", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 111, "Union Jack", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 112, "Ocean", "", 0); bbx_popup_append(custompalettesmenu, 113, "No Green", "", 0); filemenu = bbx_popup(bbx); bbx_popup_append(filemenu, 1, "Save as GIF", "...", 0); bbx_popup_append(filemenu, 2, "Exit", "", 0); palettemenu = bbx_popup(bbx); bbx_popup_append(palettemenu, 4, "Edit palette", "...", 0); bbx_popup_append(palettemenu, 5, "Custom palette", "", custompalettesmenu); bbx_popup_append(palettemenu, 6, "Load palette from gif", "...", 0); helpmenu = bbx_popup(bbx); bbx_popup_append(helpmenu, 3, "About", "", 0); bbx_menubar_addmenu(app->menubar, "File", filemenu); bbx_menubar_addmenu(app->menubar, "Palette", palettemenu); bbx_menubar_addmenu(app->menubar, "Help", helpmenu);

Here's an example of how to build a menu. it needs to be constructed from the bottom up, with low-level sub-menus constructed before high- level ones.


This is the first popup widget.

BBX_Popup *bbx_popup(BABYX *bbx); void bbx_popup_kill(BBX_Popup *pop); int bbx_popup_append(BBX_Popup *pop, int id, char *left, char *right, BBX_Popup *sub); void bbx_popup_disable(BBX_Popup *pop, int id); void bbx_popup_enable(BBX_Popup *pop, int id);

You don't interact with theis widget directly. it is constructed off the bbx connection rather than a parent panel. You append entries with an id, left and right text entries, and an optional sub-menu which popus up when the popup is chosen (can be null). You shouldn't call the enable / disable fucntions directly.


BBX_popup2 is a pop-up that you can interact with.

BBX_PopUp2 *bbx_popup2(BABYX *bbx, BBX_Panel *parent, int x, int y, BBX_Popup *pop, void (*chosen)(void *ptr, int id), void *ptr); void bbx_popup2_kill(BBX_PopUp2 *pop); void bbx_popup2_makemodal(BBX_PopUp2 *pop); void bbx_popup2_dropmodal(BBX_PopUp2 *pop); void bbx_popup2_doptr(BBX_PopUp2 *pop);

It is constructed off a panel, and takes a popup object that you have constructed. It takes the familiar callback function. To pop it up, call bbx_popup2_makemodal(), then drop modal, usually in response to the callback. bbx_popup2_doptr is internal and used to handle the mouse capture.

int bbx_quickpopup(BABYX *bbx, BBX_Panel *parent, int x, int y, char **str, it N);

There's a convenience function to pop up a quick modal menu with a list of choices.

baby X popup panel

This is mainly for internal use, but is exposed.

BBX_Panel *bbx_popuppanel(BABYX *bbx, BBX_Panel *parent, char *tag, void (*changesize)(void *ptr, int width, int height), void *ptr, int x, int y); void bbx_popuppanel_makemodal(BBX_DialogPanel *pan); void bbx_popuppanel_dropmodal(BBX_DialogPanel *pan);

This function returns a BBX_Panel instead of a special object. You can add children to it in the usual way. To pop it up, call bbx_popuppanel_makemodal(), and bbx_popuppanel_dropmodal() to release the modal lock. Then


Use this object to create a modal dialog.

BBX_DialogPanel *bbx_dialogpanel(BABYX *bbx, char *name, int width, int height, void (*changesize)(void *ptr, int width, int height), void *ptr); void bbx_dialogpanel_kill(BBX_DialogPanel *pan); void bbx_dialogpanel_makemodal(BBX_DialogPanel *pan); void bbx_dialogpanel_dropmodal(BBX_DialogPanel *pan); void bbx_dialogpanel_setclosefunc(BBX_DialogPanel *pan, void (*closefunc)(void *ptr), void *ptr);

Dialog panels are children of the screen in the underlying window system, so don't take a parent panel. BBX_DialogPanel is simply a typedef for BBX_Panel, so you can construct children off the created panel. They won't be visible until you make the panel modal. Then you need to drop the modal values. Top-level children usually have a close box given by the system, so you need to set the close function to handle this. At a minimum, this will drop the modal lock. It might also need to set the dialog's return value.

typedef struct { BABYX *bbx; BBX_DialogPanel *pan; BBX_Button *ok_but; } DIALOG; void layout(void *obj, int width, int height); void okpressed(void *obj); void closedialog(void *obj); void domodaldialog(BABYX *bbx) { DIALOG dlg; dlg.bbx = bbx; dlg.pan = bbx_dialog_panel(bbbx, "Test dialog", 256, 256, layout, &dlg); /* layout not yet called */ dlg.ok_but = BBX_Button(bbx, "OK", okpressed, &dlg); bbx_dialogpanel_setclosefunction(dlg.pan, closedialog, &dlg); bbx_dialogpanel_makemodal(dlg.pan); /* only get to here when modal lock released */ /* destroy children from bottom up */ bbx_button_kill(dlg.ok_but); bbx_dialogpanel_kill(dlg.pan); } void layout(void *obj, int width, int height) { DIALOG *dlg = obj; bbx_setpos(dlg->bbx, dlg->ok_but, 10, 10, 50, 25); } void okpressed(void *obj) { DIALOG *dlg = obj; bbx_dialogpanel_dropmodal(dlg->pan); } void closedialog(void *obj) { DIALOG *dlg = obj; /* we need to tell Baby X to drop us as modal */ /* Note we have internal guards so we don't need to worry about dropping the modal state twice. */ bbx_dialogpanel_dropmodal(dlg->pan); }


There's also a convenience function to pop up a message dialog.

int bbx_messagebox(BABYX *bbx, int type, char *title, char *msgfmt, ...);

For type, you pass one of BBX_MB_OK, BBX_MB_OK_CANCEL, BBX_MB_YES_NO_CANCEL. The message is a printf() style format string. The return value is one of BBX_MB_CANCEL, BBX_MB_OK, BBX_MB_YES, or BBX_MB_NO.