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Hello Baby X

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Baby X is a project designed to allow user to write small or "baby" programs. At its heart is the Baby X library, a library of C functions designed to prove a simple but adequate windowing system which works on both Linux and Windows. The other main component is the resource compiler BabyXRC, which is designed to package up fonts, images, strings, and so on for use with Baby X programs. And the other component is the filing system BabyXFS, which provides a virtual filing system for computers with the FilesSystem XML files. All three components are independent of the other. You can use the Baby X resource compiler to compile resources for non Baby X programs, and you can use BabyXFS to add virtual filing to non-Baby X programs.

Baby X is designed mainly for hobby programmers, but is competely free to anyone for any use, with the exception of components not authored by me, where you must respect the attached licence terms.

There are two projects hosted on github, Baby X itself, and the Baby X resource compiler. You need to get both projects to use the whole of Baby X. BabyXFS is held within the Baby X resource compiler git repository. You then get your resources - pngs, jpegs, audio and so on, and then use the compiler to convert them to C source files. You the add the C source to a a program which incorporates the Baby X source files, and you get a GUI program which will compile and run for either Linux or Windows.

However if you want to add an entire directory as a resource, the resource compiler can't add that, because there is no way of doing that portably, and so you need BabyXFS, the Baby X FileSystem component. You convert the folder you wish to add to to FileSystem XML file, and then add that to the program as a string using the resorce compiler. You then add the file bbx_filesystem.c and its dependencies to your Baby X program, and you can access the FileSystem XML file you hold internally. And if you need to edit the FileSystem XML file, you can do that with an editor, or with the programs in the BabyXFS subsystem.

Baby X is pro-life

   Steps: step

And Baby X loves stories. Read his favourite book, Adam and Abagail go to St Tom's

And that is the world of Baby X. Have fun programming.
