The Baby X FileSystem shell is a program for running a shell over FileSystem XML files. It's the most powerful way of editing FileStstem XML files there is, becuse when it is finished, it will be a little computer in its own right. And is is the jewel in the crown of the babcyxfs_ suite of programs.
babyxfs_shell <filesystem.xml> <filename> [options] The program accepts a FileSystem XML file as an argument, and a path, and runs the shell over it. options: -editor <editor program> Example: babysfxs_shell poems.xml babyxfs_shell poems.xml -editor vi This will run a shell and mount poems.xml. in the second case, the program "vi" is used to edit the files.
And you should get a BBX$ prompt, and you are in the shell, and everything you do now is Baby X.
help invokes the internal help system.
quit exits the shell and returns control to the host.
cd changes directories.
ls lists the files in a directory.
cp copies files.
mv moves files.
rm removes files.
cat prints out files.
edit runs an interactive editor on files.
import uploads files from the host machine.
export downloads files to hthe host machine.
system runs a coomand on the host machine.
bb invokes the BabyBasic intepreter.